Importing Tractors to Australia (Part 2)

The second tractor I looked for was a Model R. Even though there are many model R’s in Australia, importing one was economical as it cost me a quarter of the price one in Australia would have. . I found a 1951 model R in Manitoba Canada. The seller arranged the road freight once my bank transferred cleared.
The Model R was the first John Deere Tractor to be powered with a diesel engine, was made from 1949 until 1954, they have a two cylinder horizontal engine 5.75x8 inch engine that is started by a two cylinder horizontally opposed petrol starting engine. The model R was tested to produce 35 draw bar HP, has a five speed transmission. optional was a live drive PTO and hydraulics.
Photo of the Model R taken when we arrived in Oklahoma City, the tractor had been stored in the yard of the Boultons for nearly 12 months.
in the first week we were in Oklahoma we we set about pulling the model A and R down and thoroughly cleaning them to ensure they pass Australian Quarantine. we hired a pressure washing service to assist us.